Instructions for Authors

The journal publishes research results in the fields of architecture and urban planning.
Before submitting the manuscript, we recommend that you verify its correspondence with the content and focus of the journal here.

We publish papers in three sections:
Scientific study – comprehensive scientific articles

Forum – current research reports
Review – book, exhibition or other scientific events reviews

The manuscripts must be original, unpublished work. All papers are subject to double blind peer review. Revisions might be required before a decision is made to accept or reject the paper.

Authors of published articles remain the copyright holders and grant third parties the right to use, reproduce, and share the article according to the CC BY Attribution 4.0 license agreement.

All authors, whose submissions have successfully passed the peer review process, are required to pay article processing charge (APC). The fee is 200 € for paper published in section Scientific study or 150 € for paper published in section Forum. The fee is not obligatory for invited authors.

Please submit your paper using our online submission form.

Please follow these recommendations when preparing the manuscript:

Character limits:

The length of the manuscript is counted by character (including spaces), including tables; references; figure captions; endnotes.

  1. The Scientific Study should not exceed 50,000 characters (including spaces).
  2. Forum articles should not exceed 20,000 characters (including spaces).
  3. Reviews and Short Information articles should not exceed 10,800 characters (including spaces).

Language, manuscript formatting:

  1. Manuscripts may be submitted in English.
  2. Manuscripts may be prepared in digital text files: .doc, .rtf, or .odt.
  3. Notes should appear as endnotes.
  4. References will be edited to bring them into line with the Harvard system (see the examples at the bottom of the page or here.)

Text supplements:

  1. Abstract to Scientific Study should not exceed 700 characters (including spaces).
  2. Selection of 5–7 key words.

Images and diagrams:

  1. The position of each image or diagram should be indicated in the text, and all figures should have clear references in the text. A separate list of captions should be provided at the end of the text.
  2. Responsibility for the copyright of the images and diagrams is held by the authors.
  3. Bitmap graphics should be provided in separate jpeg, tiff files, The resolution of images should be a minimum of 300 dpi by figure length of 150 mm.
  4. Vector graphics should be provided in .ai or .pdf files.
  5. Graphs or tables without a specific graphic layout should be provided in separate .xml files.
  6. If you are using scans of printed material, journals or newspapers, scan them in higher resolution minimum of 600 dpi.

Referencing examples:

For referencing, we use Harvard referencing style.

Citations for Books

AUTHOR SURNAME(S), First name(s). Year published. Title of book. Subtitle if any. Edition (if not the first). Place of publication: Publisher, page(s) (if it is a quotation of the specific page(s) p./ pp.)

ALMANDOZ, Arturo. 2002. Planning Latin America’s Capital Cities, 1850–1950. London: Routledge, p. 126.

KOTLER, Philip and ARMSTRONG, Gary. 2001. Principles of Marketing. 9th edn. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 785 p.

Citations for Chapter in Edited Book

AUTHOR SURNAME(S), First name(s). Year published. Chapter title. In: Editor surname(s), Initial(s). (ed. or eds.). Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher, page(s).

BASTIÉ, Jean. 1975. Paris: Baroque elegance and agglomeration. In: Eldredge, H. W. (ed.). World Capitals: Towards Guided Urbanization. Garden City, NY: Anchor/Doubleday, pp. 17–27.

Citations for Electronic Book

AUTHOR SURNAME(S), First name(s). Year published. Title of item. Edition (if not the first). Available at: DOI or URL (Accessed: date).

BRUCE, Steve. 2018. Sociology: a very short introduction. 2nd edn. Available at: (Accessed: 30 April 2021). 

Citations for Print Journal Articles

AUTHOR SURNAME(S), First name(s). Year published. Title of article. Title of journal, volume(issue), page(s). DOI (if available)

ZEJNILOVIĆ, Emina and HUSUKIĆ, Erna. 2020. Sarajevo Memories – the City of Sublime Disorder. Architektúra & urbanizmus, 55(3–4), pp. 154–165. doi: 10.31577/archandurb.2020.54.3-4.2 

ŠÍCHA, Jan et al. 2011. Ion flux characteristics in pulsed dual magnetron discharges used for deposition of photoactive TiO2 films. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 8(3), pp. 191–199.

Citations for Online Journal Articles

AUTHOR SURNAME(S), First name(s). Year published. Title of article. Title of journal, volume(issue or date/month of publication if volume and issue are absent), page(s) [online]. DOI or URL (Accessed: date).

BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra and LUTHER, Daniel. 2010. Sustainable diversity and public space in the city of Bratislava, Slovakia. Anthropological Notebooks, 16(2) [online]. Available at: (Accessed 13 June 2011). 

Citations for Conference Papers

AUTHOR SURNAME(S), First name(s). Conference year. Title of paper. In: Name or title of conference. Place of conference, date of conference. Place of publication: Publisher of the proceedings, page(s).

FOX, Ronald. 2014. Technological Advances in Banking. In: American Finance Association Northeast Regional Conference. Philadelphia, March 2014. Hartford: AFA, p. 24.

Citations for Conference Proceedings

EDITOR SURNAME(S), First name(s) (ed. or eds.). Conference year. Title of proceedings. In: Name or title of conference. Place of conference, date of conference. place of publication: Publisher of the proceedings, pages.

TOSTOES, Ana and FERREIRA, Zara (eds.). 2016. Adaptive reuse. The modern movement towards the future. In: 14th international conference proceedings. Lisbon Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation,  6–9 September 2016.  Lisbon: DOCOMOMO International, Casa da Arquitectura, 1020 p. 

Citations for Web pages

AUTHOR SURNAME(S), First name(s) or CORPORATE AUTHOR. Year site was published/ last updated. Title of web page [online]. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

UNESCO. 2022. Unesco [online]. Available at: (Accessed: 24 August 2022).

Citations for Thesis

AUTHOR SURNAME(S), First name(s). Year published. Title of thesis. Award and type of qualification. Awarding body. Page(s). Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

POPELKA, Rastislav. 2013. Šírenie funkcionalizmu – Československá medzivojnová architektúra Užhorodu. PhD thesis. Fakulta architektúry a dizajnu, Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave.

Citations for Archival Material

The document description (specific item title, page, section, date), inventory number or signature, number of box/book/file. Name of archive.

Česká reálka v Plzni, hlavní katalog třídy I.A 1899/1900, p. 25., i. n. 9255. box 12. Archiv města Plzně. 

Shortened form of citations if used more than once in the article

Author surname(s), Initial(s)., year published, page(s).

Almandoz, A., 2002, 350 p.