
With the present double issue, the journal Architektúra & urbanizmus celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of its existence. The studies presented here address selected questions of the general topic that we could call, with some simplification writing about architectural and urban design. Here, we mainly hope to recall the writing in our journal, and discuss what previous contributions were published here, how they addressed immediate and long-lasting problems, how the authors published their work, where they were active and what research they addressed. At the same time, there are also studies that investigate the wider ramifications of the term writing, understood as research, investigation and recognition within architecture and urban lanning, and how these new findings are published in scholarly or theoretical periodicals. Our journal has passed through fortunate times and much darker ones. The lines of its development were not always congruous with the themes of the highest levels of European thought and research in the given area, yet still most of the major themes did manage to appear on our pages. Among them were urban-planning/ethical reflections from the first phases, positivistic-factual findings from the natural sciences or engineering, and concepts of what could be called ‘architectural science’, socialist-based yet pioneering environmental-architectural concepts, reflections of postmodernism, investigation and documentation of domestic modern architecture, and advanced research into Central European architectural regionalism. There has been space for sophisticated architectonic discourse and for its counterpart of project-theorising, or the generation of insights directly utilisable in architectural design. Our journal has successfully established itself in the environment of architectural periodicals, and current pressures towards differentiation of quality have ssisted in its integration as a longterm, well-founded and responsibly functioning platform for discussion on new scientific findings in the areas of architecture and urban design. Before you right now is a double issue that stands at the end of a half-century trajectory. The journal remains in good condition and still open for the best writing of architecture and urban issues.

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