British Urban Reconstruction after the Second World War: The Rise of Planning and the Issue of “Non-Planning”

The period from 1940 to the mid 1950s has been widely referred to as a critical period in UK planning, with new legislation, official guidance, and hundreds of plans of all scales produced in the aftermath of wartime destruction. The circumstances of war seemed to favour a top-down, expert-driven process. If this was the high-point […]

Mapping with care as an outline for post neoliberal architecture methodologies – tools of the Never-never school

Modernist planning brought us a tradition of producing top-down utopian blueprints of the ideal habitat for the modern man. Decades later, we still heavily practice this tabula rasa planning: importing ready-made images and concepts to fill in seemingly empty places; while the ambition (or necessity) to vision other radical worlds has been significantly weakened by […]

Urbanization Outside the City Interwar Housing in the Bratislava Suburb Kramáre

The work is devoted to the period of the urbanization and expansion of the city of Bratislava in the direction of the suburbs in the first third of the 20th century. It deals with the quality of pre-urban inter-war architecture and the share of Czech architects and builders in its origin. While the architectural ideas […]

The Archi-Tectonics of the INTEGRO Long-Span Skeletal System. The Concept of an Open Architectural Form Represented by the Series of Prior Department Store

The long-span concrete prefabricated skeletal system ŠPÚO-ZIPP was originally intended for the construction of Prior department stores in Slovakia, and later was used as a universal open modular system for a wide range of buildings under the name INTEGRO. Using the example of three department stores, the study offers arguments why, from the point of […]

The Interpretation of Architecture as a Methodological Problem

In this essay we hope to address a few methodological issues in interpreting a work of architecture that have gradually shown themselves to be problematic and at the same time productive. If we accept interpretation as one possible approach to an architectural work, then the fundamental issue of interpretation becomes the question of the sense […]

The Beauty of the New Modern Life and Technology The Survival of Socialist Architecture in the Budapest City Centre

Based on the narrowing lists of three Budapest architectural guides (1980, 1997, 2014) of buildings completed 1945-1990, the paper intends to discover the reasons for their survival, changes or demolishing. It concentrates on the story of three office buildings built after 1960. The analysis proves that the two demolished buildings not only lost their tangible […]

Environmental Ideas Coopted: ARARAT Exhibition, Stockholm, 1976

On 2 April 1976, the ARARAT exhibition opened at the main museum of contemporary art in Stockholm, the Moderna Museet. Its ambiguous biblical name was taken from the acronym for Alternative Research in Architecture, Resources, Art and Technology, an interdisciplinary research group formed by architects, planners, engineers, biologists and artists. Four years previously, the celebration […]

Sarajevo Memories – the City of Sublime Disorder

The development of cities as well as collective memory is not a linear process, but one strongly related to the ever-changing dynamics of time and space. The manner in which urban tissue evolves through anticipated events, or is disrupted by unforeseen, often chaotic happenings, comes together in a myriad of networks that generate different levels […]

Housing Production and Energy Use in Greece Insights from History and New Social Challenges

The outbreak of the Greek debt crisis in 2010 sparked considerable discussion on domestic energy consumption in Greece. In combination with austerity measures, the economic recession has led to rising unemployment, falling incomes, the rollback of the welfare state and increased taxation burdens, especially on private property.2 Financial constraints, coupled with rising fuel prices as […]

Did a Steindl School Exist ? The Members of the Design and Technical Management Team of the Parliament in Budapest

The architects’ office (involving architects, draftsmen, planners, foremen) of the Parliament in Budapest, led by Imre Steindl, existed between 1885 and 1902. In the first part of our essay, our aim is to publish further information based on the historical findings of the research performed regarding the office’s members, the circumstances of their joining and […]

The Buildings Built For Public Use by “The KKK Group” In Croatia: Architecture, Structure and Conservation

Architects Jovan Korka, Đorđe Krekić and Georg Kiverov founded the KKK Group in 1931 in Zagreb, and worked together until 1939. During its activity, the Group built in total five public buildings for social use: the Chamber of Labour in Zagreb and the Public Labour Exchange buildings in Zagreb, Osijek, Slavonski Brod and Karlovac. The […]

The Residential Area of Cheremushky as an Example of the Implementation of Khrushchev’s Housing Reform in Ukraine

The article shows the aims and the specific features of Khrushchev’s housing reform, based on the history of design of the residential area of Cheryomushky (Odesa).  The reform introduced a number of significant changes in the system of mass housing construction, which brought about a major transformation of the construction industry. Also described here is […]

Czech Land-use Planning Trough the Eyes of Planners: A Continuing Erosion of Old Orders or the Birth of a New Doctrine?

The study assumes the goal of sketching what has developed in the environment of the Czech urban-planning profession since the end of the 1980s: from the fall of Communism through the era of political-economic transformation, and what form it has currently assumed. The state of self-awareness and the perception of shifts in professional values is […]

Urban Typology in the Habsburg Empire, 1867 – 1918, with a Special Emphasis on Hungarian Towns

The urban transformation in the territory of historic Hungary reached the (first) great culmination in the era of Austria-Hungary (1867 – 1918), thus representing a new direction for urban development. As a result, investigation and classification of urban taxonomy that focuses on the territory of historic Hungary as a whole between 1867 and 1918, makes […]

CLEARANCE: Changes in Eminent-Domain Legislation in Early 20th-Century Bratislava and Their Reflection in Planning the City

Clearance, as the “cleansing” of a building site from existing unwanted construction, ranks among the characteristic tools in the process of modern urban reconstruction, as well as one of the most visible and radical areas in which the law materialises in the area of architecture and urban planning. In the present study, we focus on […]

Amateur Interpretations of Architecture, Individual Structures and Housing Estates in the Czech Daily Press, 1868 – 1989

In the present article, the author presents a summarisation of the results of his study of the Czech daily press across a time period of 120 years. The scope of the reading is not limited to the papers issued in important metropolises, such as Prague or Brno, but also to newspapers from rural areas. The […]

Parallel Shifts. Theory of geo-architectural-climatic SK cloud

The title of the study – Parallel shifts: theory of geo-architectural-climatic SK cloud is a mixture of seemingly disparate categories such as scientific profoundness, seriousness, professionalism, amalgamated with genres of journalism and poetry and transformed into a level of pop-culture, imagination and graphic illustration. Especially the connection of specific concepts of “theory” and “cloud” is […]