General Call for Submissions

We invite scholars to submit papers on new discoveries and interpretations in the history and theory of 20th and 21st century architecture and urbanism in Central, Eastern and Eastern South Europe and beyond. Submissions are welcome for all sections of the journal.

Scientific Studies: comprehensive academic papers set within a broader theoretical framework.

Forum: the section is aimed at publishing new scientific discoveries and shorter texts focused on current topics.

Book Reviews:  We welcome proposals for reviews of scholarly publications that fall within the journal’s thematic areas. The book under review must not be no more than two years old at the time of publication in the journal.

To submit a paper or a review proposal, please use our online form. Please read the Aims and Scope of the journal carefully before submitting. The journal’s editorial circle will decide whether to accept your manuscript for peer review. This will only happen if your manuscript follows the journals Style Guide. Authors should note that we are required to charge an Article Processing Charge (APC) of 200 € for publishing a scientific study and 150 € for publishing in the Forum section.

Submissions for the general call can be delivered at any time during the year. The journal editors reserve the right to include a study in a particular issue.

We invite scholars to submit their proposals to Thematic Collections.

Thematic collection is a curated set of studies that present an up-to-date overview of research in a topic of high interest and relevance to the present. The collection should comprise three or four academic papers, along with a concise introduction prepared by the curator of the collection.

The proposal for thematic collection should encompass an abstract of the theme and of the scientific studies, including the names and affiliations of all authors who will prepare the collection. The proposal should be no more than 2,000 characters, including spaces, and should be submitted via e-mail to the journal’s editorial office.

The Editorial circle will decide whether the theme and content of the collection is in line with the focus of the journal. In the event of a proposal being selected, the corresponding author may submit the full papers of the collection for peer review.

Proposals for thematic collections may be submitted at any time during the year. Authors of proposals are invited to consult the topic of the collection and contributing authors with the journal’s editors.