News and Calls Current News and Open Calls New digital archive of A&U News Archive Call for Thematic Collections CfA: Architecture Manifestos: from Le Corbusier to Rem Koolhaas General Call for Submissions A&U talks: gallery Vi Per Prague A&U talks: Praha a Bratislava mezi pozdním socialismem a kapitalismem CfP – Engaged research: Exploring and struggling for the architecture of welfare states CfA – Circles of Expansion O BYTOVOM DRUŽSTEVNÍCTVE: Prečo bolo a nie je In Search of Postmodern City: Urban Changes and Continuities in Central Eastern Europe between Late Socialism and Capitalism (1970-2000) A&U Talks: Politically on Postwar Modernism From Philanthropy to the Welfare State: The Influence of European Social Policies on Architectural Design and Urban Planning in the 19th and 20th Centuries European City Planning at the turn of the 19th and 20th century Pavel Halík In memoriam The Heritage of Postwar Modernism: Engaged Research (Un)Planned City International online conference [Un]planned City Export/Import of Modern Town Planning Principles Export/import of modern town planning principles Research in Digital Era